Is a College Degree Necessary to get a Good Job?
The workforce in Southern California is becoming increasingly specialized. Today, a high school diploma is typically not a guarantee of a person’s ability to handle most job skills. In fact, individuals with only a high school diploma face extreme difficulty finding a well-paying position with job security. In most instances a college degree is a necessary qualification.
With the cost of a college education continuing to rise, many individuals begin to question whether the expense is worth it. By examining the financial differential between those with a college degree and those without one you find that the more educated a person is the more money they will make throughout their lifetime. In fact, it’s estimated that people with a college degree earn about twice as much as those without one.
Obtaining a college degree is worth a lot more than just the financial difference though. Individuals with more education are typically qualified for jobs with better benefits as well. In addition, the jobs they acquire are generally more secure.
Even though obtaining a college degree right after high school increases your earning potential, this doesn’t mean that only current students can benefit. Individuals with secure positions can earn raises and better benefits from going back to school.
Although a college degree is always worth the expense, it can be costly to obtain. This can become a burden if you are unable to find a job shortly after graduation. While many people simply assume that a college degree will solve their financial problems, the reality is that you must first do a lot of planning in order to profit from your education. For example, when deciding on classes do not waste your money on ones that you are not prepared for or will not take seriously. Remember that college is an investment for dedicated individuals.
After completing your college degree your best option is to talk with an experienced staffing agency. A staffing firm can help you quickly locate a job that matches your specific skill set.
iStaffing Agency helps place professional candidates into Management, Senior and Executive level positions in Southern California. iStaffing Agency specializes in Human Resources, Accountants, Executives, IT Professionals, Loan Officers and other professional candidates in addition to candidates in the Entertainment and Nonprofit sector. For more information about how iStaffing Agency can help you locate your next career opportunity in Los Angeles County or Orange County, California please contact us today.